Listen to Donald Trump saying random things and famous sayings. Select words and phrases to be played back.
★ 318 phrases and words
★ Set audio tracks as ringtone
★ Add audio tracks to your favorites for quick access
★ Add audio tracks to a play list for ordered playback
★ Play random audio tracks
★ "I will build a great great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall"
★ "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me"
★ "I'm sitting there tweeting bing bing bing, you press a button bing bing"
★ "I'm really rich"
★ "I'd like to take some money out of her fat *** pockets"
★ "We want to make America great again"
★ "If Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her"
★ "You're fired"
★ "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"
The Pocket Donald Trump Soundboard is a must have for every fan or hater.